MAPFRE and REZILIO TECHNOLOGY have launched a pilot project with several companies in the food industry sector
MAPFRE and REZILIO TECHNOLOGY have launched a pilot with several companies in the food industry sector in the eastern part of the peninsula to prepare companies for possible eventualities that could jeopardize business continuity.
In Spain, companies are increasingly moving towards organizational resilience and digitalization. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis and with the growing impacts arising from climate change, organizations of various sizes in several key sectors are following the example of other countries and setting up so-called business continuity plans to be better prepared to face the risks of disruption to their activity.
In this context, the collaboration between MAPFRE Spain and REZILIO has arisen to help companies in the food industry sector to have their own business continuity plans, correctly assessing the risks that impede the running of their operations and doing so in a simple and intuitive way and adapted to their business.
The objective is to test the benefits of the REZILIO platform with companies that are not familiar with business continuity management during a major event or catastrophe.
The pilot has started with companies in the food industry sector, which is one of the strategic sectors for the Spanish economy and represents 10% of GDP. The Spanish food production system is characterized by the fact that it is mostly made up of SMEs that coexist with other large industrial groups in our country and internationally.
REZILIO TECHNOLOGY is a Canadian company that produces innovative digital solutions to help organizations manage uncertainty and contingencies caused by climate-related disasters and contribute to their resilience and preparedness. Rezilio is made up of a multidisciplinary team of crisis management and catastrophe response experts, resilience experts, software engineers, programmers and artificial intelligence specialists.
MAPFRE is the reference insurer in the Spanish market, leader in the automobile, home and business insurance business, among other branches, with more than 7 million clients, close to 11,000 employees in Spain and around 3,000 offices distributed throughout the territory. In 2021 the company’s premiums in Spain amounted to €7,466 million, an increase of 8.8% and a profit of €534 million (+20%).
Link to the official press release :