Changement climatique - Cyberattaques et Conflits mondiaux
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Today’s three main global challenges for safety and resilience

1) Natural disasters

Organizations around the world are increasingly recognizing the growing impact of natural disasters caused by climate change. These events are occurring more frequently, at shorter intervals and with greater intensity.

As a result, they seriously affect populations, essential infrastructures (energy, telecommunications, transport, etc.), the environment and the economy. However, these challenges also stimulate innovation and international cooperation to find sustainable solutions.

We are also witnessing a climatic and environmental migration of populations due to severe floods and droughts. This phenomenon, while worrying, encourages better resource management and the adoption of more resilient and sustainable practices.

2) Cyber threats

Cyber threats and cyber attacks are also omnipresent. When one occurs, it can cause significant disruption or interruption of services, not to mention the consequent economic losses.

However, this is driving organizations to strengthen their security systems and adopt advanced technologies to protect themselves. In some cases, cyber-attacks can represent national security issues, due to the type of organization targeted, the system used and whether data has been compromised.

3) Global conflicts and radicalization

Since the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine over 24 months ago, other armed global conflicts have erupted in Asia, in addition to the emergence of sharp tensions between certain countries on this continent.

It is also important to highlight the rise, particularly in Europe, Canada and the United States, of the phenomenon of radicalization, creating social and national security problems. In the face of these challenges, resilience and international solidarity are growing stronger, fostering peace and global security.

Preparing for any eventuality

Today, it’s no longer a question of IF a cybersecurity event, natural disaster or civil disorder is going to happen, but rather WHEN. The traditional approach, based almost solely on probability of occurrence, is no longer adequate in this multi-hazard global context.

It is therefore crucial to prepare for any eventuality with a 360-degree vision to ensure a sufficient level of resilience. This enables your organization to absorb the event, maintain its essential activities and quickly restore them.

Optimal information management

With the multiplication of information and data management platforms, organizations often suffer from infobesity. Effectively managing this abundance of information and using it to prepare for and respond to crises becomes a challenge. It is also crucial that this information is up to date and available to emergency response teams at the right time. For example, during the floods in Europe in 2021, effective crisis management systems saved lives and minimized property damage.

The use of an advanced data management system, such as REZILIO’s Plan Manager, which enhances the value of this data, makes it dynamic and actionable, and ensures high availability, is becoming an essential choice.

Communication and warning

Preparing for any eventuality also means having effective and robust multimodal communication and warning systems. People are used to receiving information and alerts instantly via a variety of formal and informal channels. This new reality, combined with the fact that people expect easy access to information online, presents a challenge for organizations.

They need to communicate or alert the relevant parties at the right time, with the right message and by the right means. This is why the interconnection between a communication and alert system, such as that offered by REZILIO, is essential. It connects and updates databases of contacts who can be reached in an emergency.

Decision support

Being prepared for any eventuality also means having an interoperable crisis management system that intelligently integrates actionable data, supports decision-making and provides smooth two-way communications. Decision-support tools are crucial to support crisis managers in critical moments, so that they are able to respond at different levels of operational, tactical and strategic management.

An intelligent tool summarizes the facts, organizes information, and enables all highlights and decisions to be collated and traced. A tool such as Rezilio’s Virtual Coordination Center, which serves as a collective memory and is enriched by evolving observations and actions, helps to improve the organization’s preparedness to face any eventuality.

Looking ahead

The reality of climate change, cyber threats and global conflicts challenges and stimulates innovation. It’s against this backdrop that Rezilio’s teams design solutions that combat the dispersal of critical information, the lack of interoperable monitoring and decision-support tools, and the communications deficiencies that can turn a crisis into chaos. Our aim is to better equip organizations so that they are ready to face any eventuality.

Through innovation and effective management strategies, we can meet these challenges with optimism and resilience, ensuring a safer, more stable future for all.

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